Rae- Boudoir for Every Body
Being a Philadelphia area boudoir photographer allows me the unique opportunity to show you who you really are in a safe, positive, encouraging space and give you something to physically remember that experience with. It’s not about the outfits or the poses or the pretty pictures, but about you falling in love with the person you already are and about finding new things to love about yourself. Its about being seen, letting another person pour light into the dark places of who you are and come away feeling like who you are is absolutely enough. The power of boudoir is found in allowing yourself to be seen, to show up for yourself, as yourself, knowing that you have me there to encourage you ever step of the way. But don’t worry, while it may not be the point of the photos, I will be there every step of the way to help you choose outfits that make you feel amazing, give you poses that make your booty look the best ever and giving you little tricks to get those oh so sexy expressions. It will all feel a little silly at first but after a few minutes, you’ll start saying, “wow this is more fun than I thought it would be!!”