Jae - A Philly Boudoir Session for a Philadelphia Burlesquer
I have had the incredible honor of know Jae or as many know her, Sinnamon, for over 8 years now. I fell in love with her during a burlesque show produced by LICK many summers ago and honestly, I have been a little obsessed ever since. And its not because she is gorgeous, although she is, its because she showed me for perhaps the first time what it looked like to be fat, femme, and badass all at the same time. And how to be those things with confidence. Her character on stage was all the things my little queer heart wished I could be; beautiful, commanding, sexy, unashamed of her body or her queerness. And I didn’t know that those things could exist together to be honest. For the next many years I wrestled with my understanding of queerness, of loving a woman, of inhabiting a larger body, of being sexy and eventually taking sexy pictures and that led me to where I am now. There are times I wonder what life might have looked like without having seen folks like Jae in my first few queer experiences and I am deeply grateful for the unkowning role she has played in my story.
All of that to day, I adore this human and we were able to get together and take some photos at my studio for fun in February and this shoot filled my heart with so much love. I love these images!!!! But I also just really love her. And I am so excited to share some of my favorites with you all here! And by favorites, I basically mean the whole shoot but what’s a girl supposed to do :P