Tara - Our New Philadelphia Boudoir Studio
As I mentioned in my last post, we have a new space!!!! We are in the same gorgeous building, just on the other end of the hall and I love it here. 2424 Studios has been such a good space for me and for this part of Swiger Photography and its nice to finally be back in a space that is mine! Of course, one of the first people I reached out to when I moved in was my girl Tara (or Farrah as some of you may know her!) about shooting some test shots in the space and of course my favorite muse said yes. This shoot was so much fun! We shot in some of my favorite past outfits to get a feel for how the light here is different (and its so so different!!) and then also mixed in a few new pieces too. As always, the images turned out awesome and I am just thrilled to that this space is mine! Wanna book your own shoot here? Lets do it!! Click HERE to contact me to set yours up!