Bianca and Rosea Cambodian Wedding Blessing Ceremony

Bianca and Rosea asked me to photograph their Philadelphia Cambodian Blessing Ceremony at Rosea’s moms house before they left for their destination wedding in the Dominican Republic a few days later and I was so honored to be apart of such an incredible day of celebrating and blessing their marriage. So many of their favorite people crowded into a South Philly row home and the energy was as vibrant as their beautiful traditional outfits. Following a beautiful ceremony, there was food and food and more delicious food, shots of Hennessy all around and I even had a chance to steal Rosea and Bianca away for a few moments and photograph some beautiful portraits of them to commemorate that day. My favorite part of the day was watching person after person come up to them to give a blessing, gift and tie a red chord around each of the couples wrist. For over a half hour love was just given to this couple and it was beautiful to be apart of and capture and I am so honored they chose me and Jordan to be the ones to capture it all for them!
Enjoy a few of my favorite images from their day!