Brittany - Actor Studio Headshots

Today's blog post is a little more special than normal, because the photos themselves are extra amazing, but because of the woman in them.  It isn't often I have the oppertunity to do studio based headshots or that I get to photograph talented actresses but when I knew I had an opening during our Boudoir Marathon on January, I reached out to Brittany to see if she might want to come in.  You see, Brittany happens to also be my younger sister.  My entire life, while she has been younger than me, I have always had this sense of awe when it came to her.  She was pretty, well spoken, smart, kind and could diffuse almost any situation growing up.  And as she has grown up, I have found myself more and more inspired by her own belief in herself.  She's 26 and starting to make steps toward an acting career the last couple years.  Despite this sounding like a near impossible idea, she has taken steps to understand what it would take, how to get where she wants to go and what her life might look like were she to get asked to do a role.  And I honestly couldn't be more proud.  

While I am adopted and we don't share the same genetics or family history, something about the way we grew up caused both of us to have the tenacious belief that the crazy and sometimes laughable is actually possible.  While we don't share a love of cooking or certain kinds of films or understandings of many things, we share a love of the creative and of telling stories.  And to be honest, I love that we are different in so many ways, but that we both share those things too.  

Brittany, thank you for taking the time to let me photograph you.  As your big sis, I know I often want to protect you or pretend that you are so much younger than I am but honestly, you have grown into a woman I both admire and respect.  I hope you love these headshots and that as you keep heading toward an acting career you always know that Jordan and I will always be some of your biggest fans.