Diana and Jason - A Washington DC Proposal and Engagement Session
One thing I love about my world is that there is no such thing as “supposed to.” Diana and Jason picked a wedding date hired me for it….all without being formally engaged first and ya know what? I LOVE this. It meant Jason and I could scheme to get me there for the moment he asked Diana to be his wife and my gosh was this such. fun day in Washington DC! I drove down for the morning and met Jason at the Historic Spanish Steps and helped him decorate the area with roses. He made a whole audio tape for her to listen to as she walked to us from their apartment and when she saw me waiting for her, her face said it all. She was so so excited for this day, this moment, to finally have Jason as her fiancé!!! These two are just such happy people and so there were tears, giggles and so much happiness as they start (officially) this next season of life together!
Afterward we wandered the historic area of DC capturing some “just engaged” portraits and I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for next year!