Nicole - A soft and edgy boudoir session
This session is one I have been meaning to blog for a few weeks now but my personal life has been crazy doing all kinds of things for The Strong Catalyst. But now that life is normal again, I am SO excited to share this soft and edgy studio boudoir session! Nicole is one of funniest, sweetest people I know and you may see these photos and think you've seen her before on Swiger Photography. And you're right! You have! I photograph this family every year for their holiday cards but I was so excited to just photograph Nicole and have some fun in the studio! She brought a little bit of soft, sensuality and then a whole lot of edgy sexy too and to me, it was the perfect shoot! Its fun when I get to shoot women I already know and adore and to create magic with them...and thats exactly what I would say this shoot was. Magic.
Nicole, you already know I adore you and your family but I hope this images show you a new side to yourself and that this won't be the last time I get to photograph just you! Thank you for answering my model call, being a phenomenal friend and for always supporting everything Jordan and I do. We love you!!!! Now enjoy just a handful of my favs!