Siona - A Philadelphia Boudoir Session

I don't even know where to begin with this one. Siona is an incredible woman and friend and when she came in for a session at our Philadelphia boudoir studio a few months ago, I knew that we were going to make magic together from the moment I started shooting. I have always loved her easy of being herself, the way confidence and laughter pour from her soul, and her images just show that. What's fun is I photographed Siona a year before and it was crazy to see how much we both had changed and what that did to the way the images turned out.
Siona, I am going to miss having your bubbly, sweet, encouraging self around here when you move. I have appreciated all the times you have encouraged me and spoken life into my heart regarding my work and for the way you have always believed in Jordan and I. I can't wait though to see what this next adventure will hold for you and Andi and I hope that whoever you come home, we can keep up our this adventure of seeing how we both change as the years go by. Enjoy just some of my favorites below!